Tag Archives: Patrick Swayze

A Quick Note

Hello Everyone!
Lots going on here! The HAAS show was a success. Chance and I had a great show. Yes, there’s always room for improvement. However, considering it was our first show in eight months, it went well. He went Reserve Champion in our Championship class. There will be a future blog, talking about the double judge system. It was very interesting to say the least.

ON the other hand, I am getting ready to move back to Houston and go skiing for the long weekend to Taos, NM. Thus, I am extremely busy, and the blog writing will be on a hold just for a bit.

Furthermore, I watched the Barbara Walter special last week with Patrick Swayze and their will be a blog about this coming soon. So, be patient and check back in the near future with all these exciting blogs coming your way.

Meanwhile, stay warm and cozy! As always, have a sunny day! Susanna

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